9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

September 8, 2022 – Minutes

Park Lane Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2022


Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Penny Armour, Gio Velez, Chris Sharp, Jason LeGore, Jen Coccimiglio, Janell Myrick, Ashley Mills

Virtual: Jeanette Knight until 7:30pm


Meeting called to order at 7:15pm


Agenda Items:

  • Park Lane SCC Organization and Business
    1. Welcome & Introductions
    2. Council Reviewed and Approved the Public Roster
    3. Council Elections: Motion to approve Christopher Sharp as Chair, Jason LeGore as Vice-Chair, and Ashley Mills as note taker
      1. Motion: Jen Coccimiglio, Second: Justin Jeffery – Council unanimous in the affirmative

** Jeannette Knight was no longer present to vote

  1. Council discussed meeting on Thursdays at 5:30pm in the future
    • Motion to approve: Jen Coccimiglio, Second: Jason LeGore – Council unanimous in the affirmative
    • Meeting Dates:
      • October 13, 2022
      • November 11, 2022
      • January 5, 2022
      • February 9, 2022
      • March 9, 2022
      • April 13, 2022
      • May 11, 2022
        • Motion to approve: Jason LeGore, Second: Ashley Mills – Council unanimous in the affirmative
  1. Council discussed continuing to use the bulletin board near the front office that has been used in years past to communicate information.
    1. Motion to approve: Jen Coccimiglio, Second: Jason LeGore – Council unanimous in the affirmative
  2. Jen, Janell, and Justin LeGore agreed to work together as a sub-committee for Digital Citizenship Week taking place October 17-21. Jen will meet with Mrs. Ruiz and Amber from the PTA to determine what the SCC needs to contribute.


  • SCC State & District Information
    1. Chris communicated highlights from a PTA and SCC chair luncheon
      1. District would like support of compulsory education law
      2. Teachers have reported more aggressive behavior from parents
        • Council didn’t feel this was pertinent to Park Lane but will review later if necessary
  • Discussed process of returning extracurricular options
    • Gio to brainstorm ideas for ACC students and mainstream children to interact more frequently
  • Park Lane Data & Information
    1. Principal Jeffery reviewed current school TSSP & Land Trust plan
    2. Reviewed 2022 End of Year Test Scores
      1. In summary, Park Lane CRUSHED IT frequently scoring 20-30 percentage points above the State and District averages and surpassing pre-COVID scores.
  • Budgets Review & Proposal
    1. Reviewed current Land Trust and TSSA budgets
    2. Approved cell tower budget as is with an open-ended amendment to potentially increase Staff Support funds
      1. Motion to approve: Jason LeGore, Second: Jen Coccimiglio – Council unanimous in the affirmative

Motion to adjourn: Penny Armour, Second: Jason LeGore – Council unanimous in the affirmative. Dismissed at 9:00 pm.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org