9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

September 17, 2020 – Minutes

Park Lane School Community Council Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2020

Virtual Meeting @ 7 p.m. – Link to the meeting: meet.google.com/obh-uypn-cqj

Attendees: Jessica Smith, Justin Jeffery, Jake Prestwich, Isaac Ziegler, Greg Liddiard, Penny Armour, Bekah Gardner, Susan Homer, Chris Sharp, Jen Coccimiglio

Agenda Items:

  1. Park Lane SCC Organization and Business [7:02]
    1. Welcome & Introductions
    2. Council approved Public Roster (email addresses and phone numbers) Motion to approve: Isaac Ziegler, second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative
    3. Council elects Jake Prestwich as chair, Chris Sharp as vice chair, and Jessica Smith note taker, unanimous in the affirmative.
    4. Council reviewed By-laws as necessary. Motion to approve: Jessica Smith, Second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative
    5. Council established future meeting dates and times: Thursdays: November 19th, January 7th, March 11th, April 22nd, May 20th at 7:00 Motion to approve Chris Sharp, second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative
    6. Council will post agendas in the main hallway and online in order to keep parents informed.
    7. Council decided to wait to discuss until we know when the district has postponed Digital Citizenship Week
  2. State & District Information [7:25]
    1. Review district SCC Training Options
      1. May be done in-person or online.
        1. 2020 In-Person SCC Training Dates @ CAB (abt. 1 ½ hours & limited to 30 people) Sign-up required (coming):
          1. October 1, 2020
            1:00 – 2:30 p.m.        SCC Training                                                  6:30 – 8:00 p.m.       SCC Training
          2. October 13, 2020
            10:00 – 11:30 a.m.    SCC Training

            6:30 – 8:00 p.m.       SCC Training

      2. District requests that SCC chairs track who attended training (online or in-person) and send a tally in to Susan Edwards to inform the engagement tracking on the district annual report.
  3. Park Lane Data & Information [7:28]
    1. Council reviewed current school TSSP & Land Trust plan
    2. Council reviewed Beginning of the year data and discussed concerns and patterns we see in the data coming back from COVID.
    3. Council discussed possibility of finding funding for Reflex. Parents and teachers feel, given our current math computation data scores, this year would be very beneficial to have this in our schools.
  4. Budgets Review & Proposal [7:56]
    1. Council reviewed current Land Trust and TSSA budgets.
    2. Council reviewed proposed cell tower budget
      1. Council discussed possibility of more money being allocated for professional development, specifically professional developments focused on engagement for online learning. Isaac Ziegler offered to reach out to some people and possibly present options for teachers to choose trainings that they would be most interested in. Motion to approve: Isaac Ziegler, second: Jake Prestwich, unanimous in the affirmative.
    3. Cell Tower Grant Requests
      1. Council discussed four different grant requests from Emily Fife, Susan Homer, Brett Williams, and Jeanne Prestwich. Motion to approve: Jessica Smith second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative. Jake Prestwich abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest.
    1. Odds & Ends [8:25]
      1. COVID related Q&A
        1. Currently there are zero confirmed cases at Park Lane Elementary. Teachers have been impressed with students following all COVID protocols.
        2. Council discussed the teachers morale.
      2. Celebrations or Concerns
        1. Jake Prestwich brought up the concern about children accessing Spotify at school. The school is aware and the Ed Tech person is trying to resolve why it is filtering through.


    Motion to adjourn at 8:38p.m. : Jake Prestwich , second: Susan Homer, unanimous in the affirmative

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