9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

October 24, 2024 – Minutes

Park Lane Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2024


Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Emily Fife, Ashley Mills, Amanda May, Morgan Williams, Steve Leavitt, Joseph Demma, Christopher Sharp, Jeannette Knight

Attending Virtually: Kristen Baird


Meeting called to order at 6:07 pm


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome & Follow-up Items
    1. Welcome & Celebrations
    2. What is the coolest thing your student has said to you about this year so far?
      1. Coach Joel can back to substitute!
    3. Scores – via Data Gateway
      1. When compared with schools in our geographic area & with similar demographics, Park Lane beats them all! Park Lane RISE scores for ELA, math, and science were 72%, 77%, and 77% respectively. State scores on average are in the 40% range and district scores are in the 50% range. Park Lane received an exemplary score for both growth and achievement.
    4. Review and approve minutes from both May and September
      1. May – Motion to approve: Joseph Demma, 2nd: Amanda May – Council unanimous in the affirmative
        1. Steve Leavitt, Morgan Williams, Emily Fife, and Kristen Barid abstained from voting because they did not participate on the SCC in May of 2024
      2. September – Motion to approve: Jeannette Knight, 2nd: Ashley Mills – Council unanimous in the affirmative
  2. Review and Approval of Three Required School Plans
    1. Review, discuss, and approve the Digital Citizenship Plan/Report
      1. Reviewed the 3 questions we needed to answer to submit our Digital Citizenship Plan. Question #1 was does the SCC have enough information about the district’s digital citizenship program. The question of filters was discussed in depth. Blacklist vs. Whitelist filter systems was discussed and the council would like more information about a whitelist system. A whitelist filter seems proactive and we are interested to know if the district has considered that approach and if not, why. The first step in our action plan is to email Scot McCombs at the district for more information. We also discussed the programs LanSchool and Safe Search. Teachers use these tools to monitor the student’s Chromebook activity. Question #2 was whether or not the SCC has educational resources regarding digital citizenship. We reviewed the available curriculum and instructional guides available to all on canyons district website. Transparency is a priority and Canyons District has definitely made resources available for those interested to review.
      2. Motion to approve: Jeannette Knight, 2nd: Amanda May – Council unanimous in the affirmative
  3. Review, discuss, and approve the school safety report
    1. We reviewed the 5 school safety drill categories. We all appreciate Principal Jeffery’s age-appropriate language when conducting monthly drills. The teachers also use an app called Crisis Go which sends alerts on their phone. This seems like a great resource to inform adults without alarming the students.
    2. Security cameras have been installed at Park Lane but are not currently working. Part of our action plan is to fix any software problems so the cameras are operational. Badge readers have been installed on every exterior door.
    3. Motion to approve: Amanda May, 2nd: Joseph Demma – Council unanimous in the affirmative
  4. School Safety House Bill, H.B., 84 was also discussed at length.
  5. Review, discuss, and approve SAFE Routes Plan
    1. Park Lane is a neighborhood school; a majority of students walk to and from school each day. Our safe walking routes are the same as years previous. The only change to safety features in the area is the continuation of the sidewalk on 10000 S. east to Granite Park.
    2. We continue to express concern about our parking lot. The district knows this is an issue.
    3. Motion to approve: Joseph Demma 2nd: Steve Leavitt – Council unanimous in the affirmative
  1. Budgets Review & Proposal [10 minutes]
    1. Review of current budgets (including cell tower)
    2. Cell Tower Grant Requests
      1. We reviewed, and approved, 3 grants
    3. Other budget items?
      1. No
  2. Odds & Ends
    1. Other discussion items?
      1. No


Motion to adjourn: Jeanette Knight, Second: Ashley Mills– Council unanimous in the affirmative.

Meeting dismissed at 8:00 pm


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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org