9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

November 19, 2020 – Minutes

Park Lane School Community
Proposed Council Meeting Agenda
November 19, 2020

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome & Follow-up Items (7:00)
    1. Review and approve last meeting’s minutes Motion to approve: Jessica Smith, Second: Chris Smith, unanimous in the affirmative
    2. Report on training(s): Jake confirmed those that completed the trainings and sent that report to the district.
  2. 2020 End of Year Land Trust Summary (7:13)
    1. Council discussed basic summary of last year’s spending (to be posted online as well)
  3. Digital Citizenship and School Safety Report/Discussion (7:16)
    1. Council discussed the district school safety and digital citizenship report. A new feature has been added to the filtering so that the principal can see the device and what has been searched.
      1. Council discussed possibility about adding how to notify a trusted school adult about student’s well being if they are experiencing abuse or aren’t doing well emotionally due to increased isolation because of online learning. The report can be found here https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools/.
    2. Review completion requirements (Data Dashboard)
  4. Canyons Living Leader Information (7:30)
    1. Michelle Theurer is Park Lane’s Living Leader —appointed champions of wellness at our schools and district facilities who encourage and incentivize healthy living and behaviors.
      1. Attend three meetings a year and share information with their school or department as to activities and initiatives being sponsored by the Wellness Committee.
      2. Create or coordinate wellness-related activities at their school or department (fun runs, team-building activities, group yoga, bocce tournaments, pickle ball, student and patron related wellness activities, health and wellness guest speakers, contests and more).
      3. Track and report all wellness-related activities conducted or promoted at the leader’s location.
      4. Document and post on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) various wellness activities sponsored by or run by their location using the #CanyonsLiving hashtag.
      5. Promote Canyons Living initiatives.
      6. Provide suggestions for improvements related to the District Wellness activities.
  5. Budget Requests (7:35)
    1. Teacher cell tower grant requests- none at this time. Justin will send out a reminder email to teachers for our January meeting. Council discussed approving discretionary money for the time from now until our meeting. Justin will email the council if requests come in from now until our meeting.
    2. Chromebook rotation need. Some of our chromebooks need to replaced. Justin requested 20 additional chromebooks. Motion to approve: Chris Sharp, second: Isaac Zeigler, unanimous in the affirmative.
  6. Odds and Ends (7:46)
    1. Update on open positions and hiring.
    2. Celebrations or Concerns. Council discussed teacher and staff morale with an increased number of cases in our school as well as protocols for quarantining students and expectations for online learning during the quarantine time period.
  7. Motion to dismiss (8:03):Chris Sharp, second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org