9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

May 20, 2021 – Minutes

Park Lane School Community
Council Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2021

Virtual Meeting on Google Meets @ 7 p.m. 

SCC Meeting – Park Lane Elementary

19:02 20 MAY 2021

  1. Council members in attendance: Justin Jeffery, Christopher Sharp, Jacob Prestwich, Penny

    Amour, Susan Homer, Greg Liddiard, Jen Coccimiglio, Rebekah Gardner, Isaac Zeigler

  2. Justin recounted a break-in at the school. Some property was damaged but nothing of significant value was taken.

Motion to approve minutes – Susan Homer, second Jacob Prestwich, minutes approved

  1. TSSP was reviewed
    1. Kindergarten reached goal
    2. 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades met goal, 1st and 4th did not. o 90% of ACC students achieved growth goal
  2.  Land Trust Plan was reviewed
    1. Kindergarten – 76% reached proficiency. Goal was 90%.
    2. First Grade – 60% reached proficiency. Goal was 85%. 
    3. Second Grade – 74% reached proficiency. Goal was 85%.
    4. Third Grade – 90% reached proficiency. Goal was 85%.
    5. Fourth Grade – 86% proficient on most recent test
    6. Fifth Grade – 78% proficient on most recent test
    7. Behavior goals were reviewed and found to be acceptable
  3.  Cell tower grant requests were reviewed
    1. Xiomara Ruiz – ~$220 – Jacob motion, Chris second, unanimous approval
    2. Michelle Theurer – ~$227 – Bekah motion, Penny second, unanimous approval.
    3. Jenny Mitchell – ~$154 – Bekah motion, Jen second, unanimous approval
    4. Angie Drake – ~$166 – Bekah motion, Isaac second, unanimous approval
    5. Prior to this mtg. ~$1500 in cell tower grants have been awarded for the year
  4. Cell tower, Land Trust, and TSSA budget were reviewed
    1. Funds for Reflex Math have been earmarked for next year
    2. Green Fiber, our paper waste recycler, was discussed. The school received ~$100 dollars for the collected material.
  5.  Digital Citizenship Week was discussed. A chairperson will be chosen in the fall.
  6. SCC member status for next year was discussed
  7. Staffing was discussed, approximately nine part-time positions are open
  8. Jacob motion to close, Justin second, unanimous approval, 20:08

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