9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

March 12, 2020 – Minutes

Park Lane School Community Council Meeting Agenda

March 12, 2020

Park Lane Conference Room @ 7 p.m.

Attendees: Jessica Smith, Jake Prestwich, Elizabeth Seeley, Susan Homer, Penny Armour, Chris Sharp, Greg Liddiard, Bekah Gardner, Justin Jeffery, Milena Zarubica, and Nancy Tingey

Items to discuss:

A. Introduction from Nancy Tingey and COVID-19 update for district (7:05)

  1.  The district is evaluating the situation and staying in contact with government officials to determine when and if they should close down the schools.

B. Review and Approve Last Meeting’s Minutes (7:12)

  1. Motion to approve: Greg Liddiard, Second: Jessica Smith, unanimous in the affirmative

C. Review of 2019-20 CSIP and Land Trust Plan (7:15)

    1. Council reviewed mid-year data and are encouraged by the progress Park Lane is making towards the goals.

D. Discuss & Approve Proposed 2020-21 CSIP and Land Trust Plan (7:43)

  1. Council discussed new CSIP and Land Trus Plan goals in both math and language arts. Motion to approve: Bekah Gardner, Second: Elizabeth Seeley, unanimous in the affirmative.
  2. Council also discussed with Nancy the current ESP salary schedule and the possibility of how to pay our interventionists more.

E. Teacher Cell Tower Grant Requests (8:35)

  1. The 4th grade teachers requested money for bins to store their science supplies.
  2. Linda Tognoni requested money for 2 electric pencil sharpeners and two staplers.
  3. Miss Thuerer requested money replacement books for their monthly book club.
  4. The 1st grade team requested money for lady bug larvae and caterpillars for their life cycle units.
  5. Motion to approve all grant requests: Elizabeth Seeley, Second: Chris Sharp, unanimous in the affirmative.
  6. Other Cell Tower money requests:
    1. Mr. Jeffery has requested money for additional school supplies for classrooms. He will ask teachers to ask for supply donations from parents first. Motion to approve: Elizabeth Seeley, Second: Milena Zarubica, unanimous in the affirmative

F. Council discussed staffing updates for next year. (8:50)

G. Other Concerns (8:55)

  1. Safety: None at this time
  2. Fee Schedule: Council agreed to email Mr. Jeffery with any concerns or questions they have about the fee schedule.

H. Motion to dismiss: Susan Homer, Second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative (8:58)

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