9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

January 30, 2025 – Minutes

Park Lane Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 30, 2025


Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Kristen Baird, Emily Fife, Ashley Mills, Morgan Williams, Steve Leavitt, Joseph Demma, Christopher Sharp, Jeannette Knight


Meeting called to order at 6:07 pm


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome & Follow-up Items
    1. Review and approve October’s minutes
      1. Motion to approve: Justin Jeffery, 2nd: Kristen Baird – Council unanimous in the affirmative
      2. Celebrations
        1. After a group of other local principals visited Park Lane, they commented that there is a good vibe here!
  2. Data Dive
    1. Review mid-year student data and trends
      1. ELA mid-year Acadience test scores were positive. Every grade’s % of proficiency jumped which shows progress and growth! 3rd grade’s % remained the same but teachers pointed to data that proved growth has been made….they just started the year so high at 81% proficient. 5th grade had a HUGE proficiency jump, 22%!
      2. ACC is also doing well. 70% of all ACC kids have already progressed by 20%.
      3. Math mid-year Acadience test scores were also great. Every grade saw improvement except for Kindergarten who saw a slight dip, 3%. 3rd grade jumped 17%!
      4. 76% of ACC students have already seen 20% growth!
    2. Share feedback from stakeholder’s feedback survey
      1. Parents are asked to complete a survey about their children’s school each year. We reviewed parent feedback and it was all positive or constructive. Parents gave Park Lane an average rating of 3.76 (out of 5) on statements such as “The staff is respectful to my child” and “My child feels safe at this school.” Park Lane beat other elementary schools and all other district schools in every category.
  3. Review & Planning
    1. Review Land Trust Final Report
      1. Principal Jeffery shared the ‘23-‘24 Final Report he provides to the district at the end of each school year. Although Park Lane did not hit their Acadience benchmarks, every grade was very close to their goal. 5th grade reported 99% proficiency in ELA and 90% proficiency in Math. All of our RISE scores blew the district and STATE out of the water!
    2. Attendance Plan discussion
      1. Attendance indicators show an alarming trend of more and more kids at Park Lane inching towards chronic absenteeism. Currently only 46% of students are on track to miss less than 8 days of school this year.
      2. Principal Jeffery plans to be more transparent with parents about 2 things: 1- There is no time at school to play catch up with your children if they miss lessons and 2- How many days children have been absent, so parents are more aware.
    3. Discuss thoughts and ideas for next year’s TSSP (proposed focus)
      1. Brainstormed a couple new strategies for goal setting including more growth focused goals. The administration will discuss and present ’25-’26 goals at the March meeting.
  4. Budget Requests
    1. Teacher cell tower grant requests. There were 2 and both were approved.
      1. Motion to approve: Jeannette Knight, 2nd: Steve Leavitt – Council unanimous in the affirmative
      2. Other budget needs?
        1. Discussed a couple options for spending cell tower funds; an upgraded sound/microphone system and a new piano.
  5. Odds and Ends
    1. Safety Concerns
      1. None
    2. Other items to discuss
      1. Sarah Nelson has requested to be dismissed from the SCC and that request has been granted.
      2. Our next meeting is March 20, 2025.


Motion to adjourn: Jeanette Knight, Second: Emily Fife– Council unanimous in the affirmative

Meeting dismissed at 7:37 pm


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