9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

Message for Future Eastmont Parents

Dear Parents of Future Eastmont Patriots,


We are so excited to be working with your students next year.  In an attempt to keep you informed and help you feel more comfortable with the transition, we are sending this letter to give you an outline of upcoming activities and deadlines that will be important for you to know.   

January 28th   From 9:30 – 10:30 AM: 

Students will take buses from our feeder elementary schools (Alta View, Glacier Hills, Park Lane, Willow Canyon), to come to Eastmont.  Our student leaders will take them on a guided tour of the building and the students will reconvene in our auditorium.  Our Eastmont counseling and administration team will talk to your students about class choice options, what to expect in middle school, and answer questions.  Students will also learn about varied elective opportunities that we have to offer here at Eastmont.  Students will also be given their class choice card that will be sent home by their 5th grade teacher that evening.  If you are not planning on attending Eastmont, please email Kathleen Hill at kathleen.hill@canyonsdistrict.org and let her know which school you will be attending.    


Note:  If your student lives outside our four feeder elementary schools, you are welcome to bring them to our morning tour, or they can attend the tour their elementary school is attending with their peers.  We are happy to email you a course request card (please respond to this post and we will email you directly) or they will be available in our main office after January 28th.   If you would like your student to attend the informational meeting at Eastmont, you are welcome to bring them on January 28th from 9:30 – 10:30.   You can return the cards either through the mail, return email or in person to the Eastmont Middle School office.  

January 28th from 6:00 – 7:00 PM:

Evening Open House for parents and students to attend.  This evening is a self guided scavenger hunt to have students find their way about the school after meeting with them earlier that day.  There will be staff and students around to answer any questions you or they may have regarding classes, programs or activities.  We look forward to seeing you and your students.  


January 31st:  Course request cards will be due to your student’s 5th grade teacher on this day.  Eastmont will be collecting them from the feeder elementary schools.


If your student is in a special education self-contained classroom such as Accommodated Core (ACC), the District Special Education Department will determine your school placement.  Once that decision has been made they will inform you of the school your student will be transitioning to and they will arrange for visits to that school. 


Thank you so much and we look forward to working with your students and you during the upcoming scholastic year. 




Eastmont Administration


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