January Newsletter
January 6, 2025
Dear Park Lane Patrons and Families,
What a wonderful break! I am so grateful for the time I had with family, as well as the kindness shown around the holidays by giving to our drives. What a wonderful community we have here.
Willy Wonka Success! – Thank you one more time for your support of our Willy Wonka Play. We had great attendance at all four shows, and the volunteer help was wonderful. We are so fortunate to have the amazing Mrs. Duncan and appreciate all her work to bring productions to our school. The Sandy Journal wrote up an article about the play in Decembers’ issue. Check it out here: https://www.sandyjournal.com/2024/12/03/515582/in-this-issue-december-2024.
Attendance Reminder – A great resolution for the New Year might be increased attendance, including reducing absences and making sure students are on-time and in school when they are healthy.
Think Safe – Did you know we hold a safety drill every month? Even here in January we’ll be conducting a fire drill to ensure that students remember how to safely exit the building. Does your family have an escape plan at home? If not, please consider developing your safety plan at home too. It never hurts to be prepared.
Available Resources– We occasionally get asked about resources for students struggling with ADHD, anxiety, or other supports, and wanted to share a couple avenues that might help.
- The Canyons Family Center offers free parenting classes and support groups for students. Its licensed staff provide individual counseling and sponsor student support groups and parent education classes. Class topics range from how to cope with ADHD and anxiety to building self-esteem. The next series of courses begin the week of Jan. 14. To register and learn more, visit canyonsdistrict.org. Questions? Center staff are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 801-826-8190.
- An approved outside website is https://parentguidance.org/ which has many resources and offerings.
- We also have a school counselor (Ashley Peterson), and a school psychologist (Claire Martin) who can be consulted as well. We want to help.
Inclement Weather Notifications – With the snow comes the possibility for more inclement and severe weather. If we have severe storms please allow for extra travel time and patience with school arrival and dismissal. School cancellations are rare in Utah, but if school is going to be canceled (generally pivoting to remote learning), or even delayed, a public announcement will be issued through the district office. This will be sent out via Parent Square, be posted online (canyonsdistrict.org), and communicated through local news outlets. If no public announcement is made, schools will be open and operating as usual.
Entering School on Inclement Weather Mornings – With all that we do for safety, please remember that on inclement weather days students will need to come in either through the front doors past the office or through the 4th/5th grade level doors where our playground monitor will be. Parents still need to enter through the office after checking in and receiving a visitor badge.
Next Year Planning – This is the time that we start thinking about next school year including registration and permits. If you have an upcoming kindergartener please register now so we ensure we get the correct number of classes for 2025-26. Additionally, if you are currently on a permit and planning to remain at Park Lane, please make sure we know to plan on you.
Important Dates to Remember:
- January 6th – School Resumes
- January 8th – Acadience Testing K-2
- January 9th – Acadience Testing 3-5
- January 14th – PTA Meeting @ 11:40 a.m.
- January 16th – End of Second Quarter
- January 17th – No Student Teacher Grading Day
- January 20th – MLK Jr. Holiday
- January 22nd – ARTs Assembly
- January 23rd – Canyons Canyoneering Night w/Dr. Robins
- January 24th – Report Cards go Home
- January 28th – Eastmont Orientation
- January 30th – School Community Council Meeting
- January 31st – Panther Strides Pastries w/the Principal (January Winners)
- February 5th – Fifth Grade Utah Symphony Field Trip
- February 11th – PTA Meeting @ 11:40 am
- February 14th – Valentine’s Day Parties
- February 17th – President’s Day Holiday (no school)
- February 19th – School Spelling Bee
- February 24th & 26th – Parent-Teacher Conference Nights
- February 27th – Panther Strides Pastries w/the Principal (February Winners)
- February 27th – Early out on a Thursday (last one of the year)
- February 28th – Compensatory Day (no school)