9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

September 19, 2024 – Minutes

  1. Park Lane Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2024


Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Emily Fife, Kristen Baird, Ashley Mills, Amanda May, Greg Liddiard, Morgan Williams, Steve Leavitt, Joseph Demma, Sarah Nelson

Attending Virtually: Chris Sharp, Jeanette Knight


Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm

Agenda Items:

  1. Park Lane SCC Organization and Business
    1. Welcome & Introductions
    2. Approve Public Roster (email addresses and phone numbers)
    3. Elections of chair, vice chair, and note taker
      1. Christopher Sharp elected as Chair
      2. Greg Liddiard elected as Vice-Chair
      3. Ashley Mills elected as Note taker
      4. Motion to approve: Kristen Baird, Second: Amanda May, Council unanimous in the affirmative
    4. Review By-laws as necessary
    5. Establish future meeting dates and times
      1. Proposed meetings will be held at 6:00 pm on the following dates:
        1. Thursday, October 24th
        2. Thursday, November 21st
        3. Thursday, January 23rd
        4. Thursday, March 20th
        5. Thursday, April 17th
        6. Thursday, May 15th
      2. Motion to approve: Kristen Barid, Second: Emily Fife, Council unanimous in the affirmative
    6. Establish a plan for how we inform parents without internet access (required), and how to notify families of agenda items.
        1. We will continue to post our roster on the bulletin board in the main hallway
  2. Determine Digital Citizenship Week Plan
    1. Volunteers for a sub-committee to head this up?
    2. We decided to support the district led curriculum and schedule already in place. Ms. Ruiz, as the digital point person for the school, will send messages to parents throughout the week and Principal Jeffery includes messages in his morning announcements. Digital citizen is also a part of the first 2 weeks of STEM curriculum so students have recently heard these messages.
  1. SCC State & District Information [20 minutes]
    1. Information from the district’s PTA president and SCC chair luncheon
      1. Nothing to report
    2. Review district SCC Training and future options
      1. Encouraged everyone to attend
  2. Park Lane Data & Information [20 minutes]
    1. Review of current school TSSP & Land Trust plan
      1. ELA GOALS: K-2 grades have a goal to be 85% proficient in ELA. Grades 3 -5 have a goal of 80% proficiency. ACC strives for 80% of the students to see a 20% increase.
      2. Land Trust money is primarily used to pay interventionists. We also use some to pay for an art brain booster teacher and to support the building leadership team.
      3. Everyone receives Tier 1 support in their classroom. Kids who need additional help receive Tier 2 support in a small group led by their teacher. Kids who are above level receive extended learning opportunities with extension teachers. Park Lane begins each year with a great group of kids who are already above benchmark and we love to push these kids even further with extension groups.
      4. MATH GOALS: K-2 will be 85% proficient. Grades 3-5 will be 80% proficient. ACC strives for 80% of students to see a 20% increase.
      5. TSSP money pays for interventionists and ST Math.
      6. School Climate Goal – Park lane will continue to support kids who need additional support by funding behavior assistants, a school counselor, and school psychologist.
    2. Review of Available Data
      1. 2024 End of Year including RISE data
        1. Park Lane test so well! Our scores continue to be almost double the state and significantly higher than the district. Our scores are also higher when compared to other schools with similar demographics. 73% proficiency in ELA, 77% in Math, and 77% in science. Basically, Park Lane RULES!
        2. Beginning of the year data (if available)
        3. We reviewed beginning of the year data and results are promising. Most grades are right on track to meet their goals! It’s good to see the kids bouncing back from summer quickly. We appreciate amazing teachers!
  3. Budgets Review & Proposal [10 minutes]
    1. Review of current Land Trust and TSSA budgets
      1. Mentioned above
    2. Cell Tower Grant
      1. RequestsNone to review
      2. Odds & Ends [10 minutes]
  4. Safety Review
    1. Reviewed safety drills. Park Lane holds a drill each month and evacuates every other month.
    2. Celebrations or Concerns

**TO DO in October: Approve both May and September 2024 minutes


Motion to adjourn: Justin Jeffery, Second; Sarah Nelson – Council unanimous in the affirmative.

Meeting dismissed at 7:36 pm.



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