9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

May 16, 2024 – Minutes

Park Lane Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes May 16, 2024

Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Amber Tuckett, Gioconda Velez, Christopher Sharp, Joseph Demma, Greg Liddiard, Amanda May, Jeanette Knight

Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm

Agenda Items:

 Welcome & Follow-up Items (6:10)

  • Review and approve last meeting’s minutes (March)
    1. Motion to approve: Amber Tuckett, Second: Joseph Demma,

Council unanimous in the affirmative

  • End of Year review of current 2023-2024 Data including TSSP and Land Trust data (6:15)
    1. Review goals and data
      1. Data for the Reading Inventory came back for both 4th and 5th The scores improved and both grades met their goals. In addition, there was discussion regarding the 5th grade classes doing extremely well and surpassing the goals that were set.
      2. Data for RISE is still coming in but looks promising.
  • Acadience testing will be happening next week on Monday and Tuesday.
  1. Next year the tests will be administered earlier for Park Lane.
  • Budget Requestions (6:20)
    1. Teacher Cell Tower Grant Requests
      1. Two Requests
        • Ruiz and Mrs. Haycock Brain Pop Jr for classroom
        • Fife and Ms. Felsted Brain Pop Jr for classroom
        • Motion to approve: Jeanette Knight, Second: Amanda May, Council unanimous in the affirmative
      2. Other budget needs/updates
        1. Backboard Update – Bidder dropped the price for the backboard, School Performance will be covering half of the cost and the remaining around ($3,000) will be coming out of the Cell Tower Budget
  • Next Year Planning Items for Discussion (6:25)
    1. Budget Requests for 2024-25
      1. Cell Tower Grants and Budget Plan – The proposed budget was discussed. Unfortunately, Park Lane will be getting less from the Cell Tower next year. The Committee reviewed and discussed the proposed spending items for next year (beginning year swag, Reflex, classroom incentives, professional development, teacher incentives, and campus beautification). There was further discussion on if the classroom incentives have been a helpful program. It was noted that the students have enjoyed them and they have helped with attendance a bit.
      2. Motion to Approve: Jeanette Knight, Second: Joseph Demma, Council unanimous in the affirmative
    2. Next Year Staffing and Needs
      1. There will be some staffing needs next year. We will need to hire a new Art, Play works, and Behavioral Assistant before next year.
      2. No teachers will be leaving this year. However, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Freedman will be moving to 5th grade next year to accommodate the large cohort.
    3. SCC Status for Next Year
      1. Council discussed Y1 and Y2 status for next year, as well as those who would be moving on. Council members who are in Y2 will need to re-apply if they would like to continue with our SCC.
    4. Next Year planning
  • Miscellaneous (6:40)
    1. Celebrations or Concerns – It’s been a great year and thanks to all the committee members for being part of the committee.
    2. Other items to discuss?

Motion to adjourn: Amber Tucket, Second: Jeanette Knight, Council unanimous in the affirmative. Meeting dismissed at 6:45pm

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