9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

March 21, 2024 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes March 21, 2024

Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Chris Sharp, Amber Tuckett, Gio Velez, Ashley Mills, Jen Coccimiglio, Amanda May, Greg Liddiard

Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome & Follow-up Items (6:00)
    1. Review and approve last meeting’s minutes (January)
      1. Motion to approve: Amanda May Second: Greg Liddiard, Council unanimous in the affirmative – Jen Coccimiglio was not present for this vote
  2. Data Review of 2023-24 TSSP and progress towards goals (6:10)
    1. Review of data in all areas of the plans
      1. ELA – We had a lengthy discussion about each grade and action needed to help some children improve etc. Grades have an 80-85% or 10% increase goal. Each grade is doing very well and seem to be on track to meet their goal by the end of the school year. There are a couple children in a couple grades that could use some additional help so plans for intervention using the PLL Library and progress monitoring has already been implemented. The Reading Inventory test 4th and 5th graders use now is being replaced with Acadience next year. Everyone is a little disappointed they won’t have those comprehensive test results anymore.
      2. MATH – Goals for math are also between 80-85%. There were great increases for every grade between the beginning of the year and the current results.
      3. SRSS-IE – The behavior “grade.” Park Lane has implemented plans for the children who could use additional help. We are fortunate to have great resources and an amazing student body.
  3. Discuss and Approve Proposed TSSP and Land Trust Plan for 2024-2025 (6:25)
    1. Update draft in any areas per SCC recommendations
      1. Goals for both ELA and Math remain similar to the 23/24 plan. Goals are between 80-85% for each grade. We discussed the children who start the year at benchmark and what we can do for them. Park Lane already has extension teachers and uses extension programs to continue pushing these children. The data for these children is amazing! They are starting the year at.
      2. Motion to approve: Jen Coccimiglio, Second, Amanda May, Council unanimous in the affirmative
  4. Review of data in all areas of the plans
    1. Other needs for Park Lane Discussion
    2. Next Year Planning
      1. No teachers are leaving and will teach the same grade they taught this year with the exception of our 4th grade teacher split, Williams and Freedman, who will move to 5th grade.Next year’s schedule will change. The district approved an hour of prep time for teacher’s each day. Park Lane is adding 15 minutes to each brain booster and assigning a brain booster class to each grade, each day. This will be held right before or right after their recess so the teachers get an hour of prep time while their students are with other adults. The school day will get longer by 10 minutes so school will end at 3:15pm.
  5. Budget Requests 
    1. Teacher Cell Tower Grant Requests
      1. None
    2. Other Budget Needs?
      1. Basketball backboards update.
        1. This has been put on hold because the price increased an insane amount
      2. SCC Cell Tower supply money for Teacher of the Year.
      3. $200 will be donated
    3. Motion to approve: Ashley Mills, Second: Jen Coccimiglio, Council unanimous in the affirmative
  6. Odds and Ends (7:05)
    1. Safe Route Responses
      1. The district isn’t addressing our parking lot. We are now in the top 5 on the “urgent list” but were previously #1.
    2. Other items to discuss?


Motion to adjourn: Amber Tuckett, Second: Ashley Mills – Council unanimous in the affirmative. Meeting dismissed at 8:05pm



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