Park Lane School Community
Proposed Council Meeting Agenda
January 18, 2024
In-Person/Virtual Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. – Link to the meeting:
Attendees: TBD
Agenda Items:
- Welcome & Follow-up Items (6:00)
- Review and approve last meeting’s minutes
- Celebrations (December)
- Data Dig (6:10)
- Review mid-year student data and trends
- Share feedback from stakeholder’s feedback survey
- Review & Planning
- Attendance Plan for Park Lane
- Land Trust Final Report
- Discuss thoughts and ideas for next year’s TSSP
- Budget Requests (6:55)
- Teacher cell tower grant requests
- Other budget needs?
- Basketball backboards ($8k+)
- Odds and Ends (7:05)
- Safety Concerns?
- Other items to discuss?