9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

October 26, 2023 – Minutes

Park Lane Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2023

Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Gio Velez, Jason LeGore, Ashley Mills, Jen Coccimiglio, Jeanette Knight, Amanda May, Joseph Demma
Attending Virtually: Amber Tuckett, Chris Sharp, and Janell Myrick

Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome & Follow-up Items
    1. Review and approve last meeting’s minutes
      1. Motion to approve: Janell Myrick, Second: Joseph Demma, Council unanimous in the affirmative
    2. Celebrations
      1. Test Scores!
        1. K-3 grades are tracking well to hit their goals. The benchmarks get progressively harder throughout the year, they are moving targets, but they did well with the first test of the year.
        2. 4th graders take the Reading Inventory test for the first time. As a result, their test scores were low at the beginning of the year. Past grades have increased their results significantly by the end of the year and met their goals, doubling the beginning of the year scores.
        3. Math scores also typically dip at the beginning of the year but the teachers are optimistic they will met their 85% proficiency goals.
  1. Review and Approval of Required School Plans
    1. Review, Discuss, and Approve the Digital Citizenship Plan/Report
      1. The council was asked to review Digital Citizenship videos and district plans produced by the district prior to the meeting.
        1. After a lengthy discussion of filters and monitoring internet safety in the classroom, the council chose to answer the plan questions affirmatively.
        2. Motion to approve the District Citizenship Plan: Jeanette Knight, Second: Amanda May, Council unanimous in the affirmative

**Janell Myrick joined virtually


  1. Review, Discuss, and Approve the School Safety Report
    1. Council discussed the drills Park Lane must hold each month. Parents appreciate Principal Jeffery’s child appropriate language while managing the drill process.
    2. Discussed sending out communication about the drill afterwards through Parent Square so parents can follow up with their children.
    3. Motion to approve the school safety report: Janell Myrick, Second: Jeanette Knight, Council unanimous in the affirmative
  2. Review, Discuss, and Approve SAFE Routes Plan
    1. Not much has changed with the SAFE Routes Plan for the school. The parking lot is consistently the highest priority issue and unfortunately can’t be fixed without help from the district. Some council members have noticed more and more parents crossing the street without a crosswalk setting a dangerous precedent and example. Some parents are also parking in the U. We discussed using yard signs to direct traffic. We would need to include this item on the next agenda if we wanted to allocate budget dollars to print.
    2. Teenagers getting on the roof is also an area of concern as well as the sidewalk between the LDS church building and the school. This sidewalk is not typically shoveled during the school week.
    3. Motion to approve the SAFE Routes Plan: Ashley Mills, Second: Joseph Demma, Council unanimous in the affirmative
  1. Budget Requests
    1. Only 1 – organization bins for Ms. Velez’s classroom.
      1. Motion to approve: Amanda May, Second: Jen Coccimiglio, Council unanimous in the affirmative – Gio Velez abstained from voting
    2. Other budget needs?
      1. No
  1. Odds and Ends
    1. Land Trust Final Report for last year
      1. Approved in May
    2. Other items to discuss?

Motion to adjourn: Gio Velez, Second: Joseph Demma – Council unanimous in the affirmative Meeting dismissed at 7:47 p

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