9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

January 13, 2022 – Minutes

Park Lane Elementary
School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Penny Armour (virtual), Christopher Sharp (virtual), Jason LeGore, Greg Liddiard, Jen Coccimiglio (virtual), Susan Homer, Julie McCutcheon
Absent: Isaac Zeigler

-Meeting called to order (19:10)
-Motion to approve previous meeting minutes (Penny), 2nd (Jason)

-Council was unanimous in the affirmative
-Discussion concerning amendment to land trust to remove language referencing ‘Second Step’ -Motion to approve land trust amendment (Susan), 2nd (Chris)

-Council was unanimous in the affirmative -Discussion concerning safe walking routes -Review of safe walking routes plan
-No major changes to local walking routes

-No major changes to the concerns expressed to the district. We are still asking that the parking lot be redesigned due to concerns for child safety
-Under ‘Concerns for the Community’ the council expressed a concern for sidewalks in the new development east of the school as well as concerns about sidewalk clearing at the LDS church building north of the school.

-Motion to approve safe walking routes (Jason), 2nd (Susan) -Council was unanimous in the affirmative

-Discussion of Potential TSSA/Land Trust focus for the coming year
-Teacher and admin reps expressed satisfaction with the current focus even though there have been many disruptions during the past three school years.
-No new budget requests or cell tower grant requests
-Motion to approve cell tower grant requests via email (Chris), 2nd (Penny)

-Council was unanimous in the affirmative -Discussion of misc. items

-COVID related updates, kids were doing well, the return to school has been difficult -Subs are desperately needed
-Motion to cancel the FEB SCC mtg. as it is not needed (Chris), 2nd (Penny)

-Council was unanimous in the affirmative -19:58 Motion to close mtg. (Justin), 2nd (Jen)

-Council was unanimous in the affirmative -Next mtg. 10 MAR 2022 19:00

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