9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

January 13, 2022 – Agenda

Park Lane School Community
Proposed Council Meeting Agenda

January 13, 2022

In-Person/Virtual Meeting @ 7 p.m. – Link to the meeting: meet.google.com/obh-uypn-cqj


Agenda Items:

  1. come & Follow-up Items (7:00)
    1. Review and approve last meeting’s minutes
  2. TSSP Update and LAND Trust Amendment: Review and note necessary changes to the TSSP based upon the termination of Second Step in Canyons School District. (7:10)
    1. Changes are needed:
      1. Analysis Summary: We will utilize Canyons Behavioral Instructional Priorities, including Restorative Practices and the Second Step curriculum to address the individual needs of all students.
      2. Action Plan Summary: To meet this goal we will provide teachers with professional development on school-wide and classroom Restorative Practices, behavioral instructional priorities , and the Second Step curriculum. Also,  provisional educators will have coaching cycles focused on classroom management. Funding for this goal will come from Land Trust Funds.
  3. Safe Routes Plan for 2022-2023 (7:20)
    1. Google Form Questions : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3OTPqSkToiLzLFPTkh8kkLljl3Ag9xPv2eCW1k-6j76hNWg/viewform
  4. Potential TSSA/Land Trust Focus for next year (7:40)
    1. SCC ideas for area of focus?
  5. Budget Requests (7:50)
    1. Teacher cell tower grant requests
    2. Other budget needs?
  6. Odds and Ends (7:55)
    1. Celebrations or Concerns
    2. Updates on open positions and hiring
    3. COVID related Q&A

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org