04 NOV 2021
Park Lane Elementary
School Community Council Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Penny Armour, Christopher Sharp (virtual), Jason LeGore, Greg Liddiard Absent: Jen Coccimiglio, Susan Homer, Isaac Zeigler, Julie McCutcheon
-Meeting called to order (19:10)
-Motion to approve previous meeting minutes (Chris), 2nd (Penny)
-Council was unanimous in the affirmative
- Discussion of updates to SCC bylaws
- Minor changes, mostly clerical in nature. -Motion to approve updates to SCC bylaws (Jason), 2nd (Greg)
- Council was unanimous in the affirmative
- Discussion and review of the School Safety Report/Discussion
- Discussion and review of the Digital Citizenship plan and report
- Notes were made and will be included w/ the report to the district
- A second digital citizenship event will be discussed at the next mtg.
- Motion to approve Digital Citizenship plan and School Safety Report (Justin), 2nd (Jason)
- Council was unanimous in the affirmative
- Discussion of the ‘Canyons Living Leader’ position
- No new budget requests or cell tower grant requests
- No COVID related updates
- Playground is scheduled for completion in a few weeks
- Motion to cancel the December SCC mtg. as it is not needed (Justin), 2nd (Jason)
- Council was unanimous in the affirmative -20:25 Motion to close mtg. (Chris), 2nd (Jason)
- Council was unanimous in the affirmative