9955 South 2300 E., Sandy, UT 84092

March 11, 2021 – Minutes

Park Lane School Community
Council Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2021

Virtual Meeting on Google Meets @ 7 p.m. 

Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/qim-ifgo-qgm  

Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Jessica Smith, Penny Armour, Bekah Gardner, Jake Prestwich, Chris Sharp, Isaac Zeigler, Jen Coccimiglio, Greg Liddiard

Items to discuss:

  1. Review and Approve Last Meeting’s Minutes (7:06)
    1. Motion to approve: Jake Prestwich, second: Isaac Zeigler, unanimous in the affirmative.
  2. Review of 2020-21 TSSP and Land Trust Plans including data & progress (7:08)
    1. Council reviewed data and discussed the different grades growth, celebrations, and concerns.
  3. Discuss & Approve Proposed 2021-22 CSIP and Land Trust Plan (7:47)
    1. Council discussed about the possibility of math trainings for teachers, creating a library of professional development, and equipping our teachers with the tools they need so that they are ready to begin at the beginning of the year.
    2. Council discussed about the doabilty of this goal with where our data currently is this year.
    3. Motion to approve: Jake Prestwich, Second: Bekah Gardner, unanimous in the affirmative
  4. Teacher Cell Tower Grant Requests (8:17)
    1. Motion to approve teacher grant requests from Brett Williams, Diane Nahalewski, Xiomara Ruiz, and Linda Tognoni: Jen Coccimiglio, second: Jessica Smith, unanimous in the affirmative
    2. Attendees: Justin Jeffery, Jessica Smith, Penny Armour, Bekah Gardner, Jake Prestwich, Chris Sharp, Isaac Zeigler, Jen Coccimiglio, Greg Liddiard
  5. Staffing updates for next year (if available) (8:27)
    1. Not completey done and can be discussed at this time
  6. Other Concerns (8:30)
    1. Fee Schedule: No concerns at this time
  7. Motion to adjourn: Jake Prestwich, second: Justin Jeffery, unanimous in the affirmative

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